• Call : +91 33 4001 6807 | Email : info@xiphostec.com

Offshore Development

Xiphos use best of the breed software development platforms, software application development tools as well as employ best qualified resources who use latest project management techniques and software engineering practices to provide clients with cutting edge Software Applications. We have multi-language/platform competencies & specializations to deliver software solutions for any type of businesses.

Our high-performance, flexible, future-ready, platform-independent software solutions are built using latest and proven software development methodologies and best practices in architecture.

Our tested and optimized process based solutions provide clients uninterrupted IT services, reduce security risks & threats and also optimize manpower to help reach the target ROI within planned timeline.

Technology Platform

Technology We Work


  • JAVA ,Swing, Struts, AjAX, Servlet, JSP
  • MS .NET, ASP .NET, VB .NET, C#,
  • Google Android 2.3 and above
  • Oracle D2K
  • Ingres ABF
  • C / C++
  • PHP / PERL

Support Area of Xiphos

Technology We Work

  • Create and develop customized applications to your existing or proposed business processes.
  • Automate your unique business processes and develop specialized solutions.
  • Integrate existing systems with newer applications.
  • Re-engineer and port existing systems to match current needs.
  • Develop or improve business applications.
  • Build Internet applications.
  • Design and create information databases.

Talk to our Experts Now

Xiphos currently working with technology areas which will leads to future innovations. We look forward talking with you.

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